

Postings of Interest

What I’m Reading Now (February 20, 2013)


Ideas for best practices in business come from everywhere, but we can quickly become overwhelmed just trying to keep up with the daily newspaper. So, in an effort to save you time and help keep you informed about best practice ideas and trends, here’s a brief list of some of the articles, blog postings, videos and other items that I’ve come across during the past week:

12 Great Motivational Quotes for 2013 (Inc. Magazine, January 2, 2013)
Even though we’re already well into the new year, it’s never too late for some inspirational thoughts to help motivate us on our respective journeys. This brief posting on the Inc. Magazine website offers enough inspiration to last throughout 2013. Favorite quote? From Tony Robbins, “A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.” See the list…

How to Tell High Potential Leaders They’re Specia(Gallup Business Journal, February 2013)
If you believe that your company’s employees are your most valuable asset, then your high potential associates warrant extra special care and attention. A number of companies are creating special development programs specifically for high potential employees. However, such programs present two challenges, first, how to objectively select participants, and two, how not to send the wrong message to those who are not selected to participate. The answer? “Use a validated and transparent process to identify high-potential leaders — and be smart about how you notify them and begin the leadership development process.” Read more…

Why We’re All in Sales (Harvard Business Review, podcast, February 14, 2013)
Author and speaker, Dan Pink’ was in town earlier this month promoting his new book, To Sell is Human. and took time out to speak with Harvard Business Review about his findings about the pervasive nature of selling in the 21st century. Pink lays bare the reality that almost all of us spend some of our work time persuading others to part with something of value for something we have, and provides some tools to help make those efforts more effective. Most provocative idea? We can learn a great deal about effective persuasive techniques from improvisational actors and comedians. Listen to the podcast…

The Thank You Economy (Interview with Gary Vaynerchuk, Piers Morgan Tonight)
We’ll be discussing Gary Vaynerchuk’s latest book, The Thank You Economy, at our March Executive Book Club Breakfast (see below for details). In the meantime, here’s an interview with Vaynerchuk conducted by Piers Morgan on Piers Morgan Tonight, and recorded in 2011. Watch the video…

Business Marriage Balance (Washington Post, February 14, 2014)
Our good friend Mark Fisher and his wife Pam, owners of Construction Coordinators in Needham, were profiled in Valentine’s Day article about the estimated 1.4 million entrepreneurial couples who work together in running a business. Mark and Pam discuss how their partnership supports their business success, and the benefits and challenges of working together. Notable quote from Mark: “Having outside activities helps us remember why we’re here. It helps make it easier for me to step back and see where Pam’s coming from.” Read the article…

What have you read recently that might be of interest to others? Let us know by posting your comments here. Thanks!