Executive Coaching
For more than 20 years, we’ve coached hundreds of business owners, executives and leaders in a wide range of industries. Each of our coaching engagements is customized to meet the unique requirements and circumstances of the executives we work with. Where appropriate, we also utilize formal assessment tools to help raise self-awareness of individual leadership and communications styles, and to identify potentially non-productive behaviors.
Here are some of the ways that executive coaching might be helpful to you and leaders in your organization:
Goal Formation—Typically, our coaching engagements begin with the formation of professional goals to help guide the executive’s efforts. These goals are typically aligned with both present and future business opportunities and challenges, and serve as a focal point for our coaching discussions.
Enhancing Performance—Coaching for performance is an excellent way to strengthen existing skills or to address issues where performance falls short of the individual’s potential. Formal and informal assessment, role-playing and detailed action plans can be used to broaden understanding and effect change.
Leadership Development—Coaching for leadership can help first-time managers and high-potential employees develop the skills, behaviors and insights that will increase their productivity and potentially enhance their long-term contributions to the organization. Providing coaching to these associates also signals your organization’s commitment to their continued professional development.
Organizational Assimilation—Executives who are new to an organization face unique challenges, and historic failure rates for new executives are high. Coaching newly placed executives can help speed the assimilation process, increase productive contributions, and identify issues that may hinder their success.
To Learn More…
We’ve prepared a brief (less than 4 minutes) presentation on our Executive Coaching services. To access the presentation, click here.
““If there were an award for the greatest CEO coach in the world, Bill would win it!””